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I wish I had ...


I wish I had ...

Gus Philpott
The Woodstock Advocate
August 20, 2010

66,666.6 miles on the odometer - motorcycle View photo, 269KB

How many times have you said, "I wish I had a camera"?

For me, I notice "milestones" on the odometer. You know; like 1,000, 10,000, 100,000. Just waiting for the one that reads 1,000,000.

Yesterday it was 66,666.6. Not on the car; on the motorcycle. As I left the garage in the morning, I thought, "I hope I can stop when it's all sixes." Then off to Cary to pick up a small part for a friend. As I approached Woodstock on the return trip, I glanced at the odometer and began thinking about where it might read all sixes.

Fortunately, I was not in the middle of 14 & 47. Just a little farther west, I was able to pull over (safely) onto the shoulder and record this "moment in history."

The Crittenden Automotive Library